‘Tis the season for adventurous road trips, breathtaking nature views, and the great outdoors. It’s RV season, and millions of Americans are gearing up to hit the road. Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned veteran, here’s everything you need to know about RV setup. Let this be your ultimate checklist for when you pull into your campground parking spot.
When you bought your RV, everything happened so fast at the dealership. You were likely excited about your purchase and the adventures to come. So when the salesperson ran through the list of how to set up your camper, you might not have retained every detail.
Figuring out how to hitch to and drive an RV can be challenging enough. But there are mission-critical steps for RV setup that you’ll need to practice every time. Instead of falling down the rabbit hole of online tutorials and searches, here’s a one-stop to-do list you can print or screenshot and keep with you. Reference this reminder list before you park your RV and set up for the night.
Once you’re parked and leveled, follow this list of hookup steps to plug in and enjoy your RV’s amenities:
Following these RV setup steps is possible only if you have all the necessary equipment. And your connections will need to be in good working order. Before starting your trip, create a checklist to ensure you have everything you need to execute the steps above.
Additional equipment that can be helpful during RV setup includes a water pressure regulator to ensure you don’t overpower your vehicle’s water capability. Veterans also recommend using downhill hose supports for wastewater flow. Also, consider having an extra fresh water hose, a surge protector, a fuse kit, and jack pads.
With this RV setup checklist, you’re well on your way to enjoying your camper this season.
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