Hit the road, shack: Ice-fishing cabins must be removed by March 14 | CBC News

2022-09-09 20:30:18 By : Mr. Barry Zhang

It's time to pack up the shack.

The provincial government has ordered all ice-fishing shelters to be taken off New Brunswick waterways by March 14.

People have just under two weeks left of bundled-up fishing from their huts, if they don't see signs of melting before then.

The season ends March 31, but fluctuating temperatures mean the ice shacks have to be removed early, Environment and Climate Change Minister Gary Crossman said in a news release.

"We do not want what is on the ice to end up in the river or lake after spring melt, so please take everything with you and keep our province green," he is quoted as saying in the news release.

In Rothesay, dozens of shacks, tents and trucks were on the Kennebecasis River by the Renforth Wharf on Tuesday. Some anglers were drilling new holes, while others were packing up.

Les Weir, who was fishing for smelt with his brother, grandson and a fishing buddy, said it had been a good day. The previous few days had been quiet, but the crowd seemed to have returned, he said.

"We call ourselves avid outdoor sportsmen," he said. "We just like to get out, take the day off ... and just go fishing."

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