Bad Husband Car Repair Projects
As a continuation of my “Bad Husband Car Repair Projects” article where an intrepid car owner from the Ronald Finger YouTube channel learns the ropes of how to paint while working on a 1985 Pontiac Fiero 2M4 restoration project, here’s an interesting video from the host that many car owners who DIY their projects can identify with: Namely, all those little and not so little things that can and do go wrong while learning how to do your own DIY car painting on the cheap.
Related article: Why Some Owners Should Not Try DIY Repairs and Mods Humor
The Value of This Video
The value of this video is that not only will it help you decide whether or not to take on this type of project, but also demonstrates what it takes to really do the job right when working on the cheap to help cut costs rather than allow a project turn into a money pit that would have been cheaper going to a professional.
That said, here is the video in its entirety that is a joy to watch and learn from while quietly cheering on the efforts of the host as he learns from his mistakes.
How (Not) to Paint a Car | 1985 Fiero 2M4 Revival - Part 11
For additional articles about DIY projects you can do on your car, here are a few selections that are proven winners for most DIY mechanics:
• How to Maintain your Toyota with DIY Instruction from These Toyota Mechanics
• Servicing Your Vehicle’s Automatic Transmission Can Be a DIY Project That Saves You Money
• Do This with Your Car’s AC System Before Going to a Mechanic
COMING UP NEXT: Fake Online Parts Get DIY Mechanics in Trouble
Timothy Boyer is a Torque News automotive reporter based in Cincinnati. Experienced with early car restorations, he regularly restores older vehicles with engine modifications for improved performance. Follow Tim on Twitter at @TimBoyerWrites for daily new and used vehicle news.