Durham police find tent on top of downtown Oshawa building | Durham Radio News

2022-07-15 20:11:28 By : Ms. Alice Wu

Durham police are reminding you to check your property for any suspicious activity after discovering a tent on top of a downtown Oshawa building.

Officers were called by the property owners to a building in the King Street and Drew Street area on the afternoon of June 29 over concerns people were living on the rooftop.

They discovered an abandoned tent.

It was removed and since no trespassers were there, no charges were laid.

Police say you can always call 1-888-579-1520 to report any non-emergency concerns.

Photo courtesy of Durham Police Central East Division on Twitter

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I mean to be fair nobody was using that roof 🤷🏼‍♂️

Oshawa is the worst city in Canada by far its disgusting how bad we have let it get

Did they get a building permit. The temporary power cable in the background was for the electric kettle. A little noisy with the ACU units cycling.

Seriously, beats getting raped or shot!! I am on the housing list, over 10 yrs+ and I am homeless….. done the shelter and had all my clothes cut up….. I am 60 to & on ODSP!?!? THIS IS NOT OKAY 🤔🤔🤔 Where else are the multitudes of homeless going to stay??? NO ROOM IN SHELTERS!! There isn’t even a shelter in Oshawa (unless you are abused)

A lot of places and organizations knew who was on the roof. And I’m sure that goes the same for the Durham regional police. Abandoned right more like someone got to talking and was told not to go backup there.

Guess they were pretty high

Seriously? Look at some f the slum holes in Vancouver, downtown Toronto and compare. I don’t live in Oshawa and there are many lovely areas in this town, but municipal and regional so called leadership are mostly to blame.

Perfect out of sight out of mind only thing is hes still on king security and city said stay of king. And simcoe. Lol go ahead bud move over one. More street and ur golden ..

Thanks for keeping us safe from poor people

Well, if we don’t want our homeless living at places where the law prohibits & the general population would rather not have them; then as one of the riches provinces of Canada as well as one of the riches countries of the world, why are there not enough housing for both that can afford to buy a home and those that need affordable housing? We all have the responsibility to make sure all our citizens live in peace.

Wow, the mayor is sure doing a great job with using local law enforcement to sweep the homeless problem under the carpet. If him and his council haven’t been turning away resources for the homeless, maybe this incident in this news article wouldn’t of happened.

The rest of Durham don’t do there share in looking after these people! Oshawa has all the services for these bums! The rest of the region has almost nothing. No wonder Oshawa is overrun by the drunks and the druggies!!

Shoot , now everybody knows my camping spot !!

Well you think in 2022 that the government would have addressed the housing crisis by now. The amount of condo going up in each city now including Oshawa one north end and two going up at 35 floors at the water front. I believe that each new condo building townhome or houses should have at least 30 percent bought by our government and have scattered units that are subsidized . Also that any new homes builds are made from reusable recycled materials and are substantial and use even solar panels. People living on a roof are just trying to be safe and have a place to sleep. It’s really sad . It’s horrible how far our government and city councillors have let Oshawa go. It needs a clean up . It needs law that if you are living on streets you need to be picked up and put in a detox program or other to help you get housed and clean and get councillors doctor a nurse what ever but health care that it’s a team that communicated with each other in helping each person with all supports and home. But not home we’re everyone lives in same area but units different places ie your building condo on city land sold but 30 percent units need to be used for helping poor needy subsidized with out the others knowing sell off the rest of units privately . I believe this is a good was to build pride for poor maybe even have a program were they can one day own their unit. Also feel if education and recreation programmes were free for kids in school till they are done and for the poor that we would have a more educated society that would bring up our country to a better level of living life standards. As well I like to see healthy hot lunches in all schools in Ontario even Canada making sure all kids are feel healthy meal so they can get educated. People really do not understand the real struggles of either paying rent mortgage bills or eating . Their are a lot of different subjects that I am address but bottom line is that Oshawa city councillors and or mayor need to work out plan to clean up Oshawa but I process help the people find a healthy life stable housing in a scatter unit way so we can help but not build getos . Please if you read this think ways that can help people maybe write letter email or call in to the city of Oshawa give them your ideas how to improve the city in a kind helping way. Thanks I hope and pray whom ever was living on that roof found shelter home and is moving forward in their life’s but we all need help sometimes like honestly every day so pray help each other only way.

Disgrace to allow this to happen. Iam in shock.

With the way Trudeau is running this country we’ll all be erecting tents and fighting for roof top space

Instead of ripping g down someone’s home, perhaps the government should do something to help those in that situation. Not ALL homeless people are alcoholics or druggies as someone stated. Many are on on ODSP or CPP disability that once lived a normal life, but due to disability are living way below poverty. It is disgraceful that Ontario is still refusing to help us. Yes, I am one of them. Where are the ODSP income increases? CPP increases. Affordable housing isn’t going to be affordable, when we already can’t afford to buy food!!

this is no joke we all ignored or laughed or scorned the homeless those with mental health issues or not now all of us are at risk regardless of employment status what are we going to do about it

That’s called urban camping you uncultured swine.

Bums just wreck any free rooms or hotels they are put up in . Sell anything they can steal . They don’t want rules .

I love Oshawa it’s my city I’ve been here all my life but it has been going down it’s so sad. There is alot of homeless and Not all Homeless are addicts. Alot of ppl are on ODSP and OW they are Good ppl, but I find Oshawa is such a judgemental city that ppl don’t want to rent to most because of their opinion of what they see or hear. Some People just need a chance everyone is different.Again I’m on ODSP I was almost homeless in the winter but we found someone to give us a chance and rented us a room. So we are one of the lucky ones I guess. But something needs to be done,The Homeless Need Help and Our city needs to do more and I do thank all of the organization’s that do the best they can. They are probably the reason why most are still alive. But rent is so High and employment rate is so low it’s just not enough, ppl are working to live not living to work. We need more subsidized housing cause there’s no way ppl can afford rent at $2000 for a 2 BDRM apt that’s crazy.People need to stop laughing and Stop ignoring This is a Problem and needs to be stopped much less helped. I love my city and I’m sure there’s other ppl who do to let’s not give up lets work together.

You wrote this article wrong… It should be about how Canadians have nowhere to live. Not “check your property and be sure to report suspicious activity to DeRPS”

I can tell you exactly what happens when you report actual weird activity, currently happening in your backyard and threatening your well-being to DRPS… They make 2 minute drive, take half an hour and laugh about how on the way their they HAD to confiscate a bottle of wine from two 12 year olds that just coincidentally happened to be drinking out in the open. Then they drive in a circle, uselessly pointing their spotlight in neighbours backyards, give up and drive away.

For the love of reality… DRN, stop licking boots and running BS stories about “abandoned tents” We know we’re only “abandoned” after police harassment, brutality and perhaps even murder.

Very creative to find that location,get skids up there set up a tent. That person more than likely a guy would make a good employee were out of the box thinking and doing are needed. They will soon find another place and they are definitely not a drink or druggie.

Great city. The people responsible for the welfare of it citizens have police tear up what little the poor homeless have and toss them in the streets so as not to be have to ensure them a safe place to live. After all why waste tax money on the needy when it can be spent improving their own creature comforts.

Toronto council is allowing backyard suites to be built, why don’t they go for rooftop tents instead. Mom and dad can enjoy a skyline view while making the kids jealous sending pics down below. Maybe Trudeau can give a tax break for the 2×4’s and plywood for the perch on the roof of that 100 year old victorian.

I just want to say I’m happy that most of the people in this thread are rightly outraged and empathetic to the plight of our nation’s poor.

There are always a couple of idiots.

If anyone wants to know why the homeless are here, ask councilor Dan Carter. He has them shipped in from various cities in exchange for $$$ Yes, I’m aware he’s the mayor, but he’s not my mayor. He’s a clown who’s destroying the city I used to love.

Oh great, glad to see how the police spends their time. I’m STILL waiting on something to be done about the psycho that punched my rear window out of my car & tried attacking my bf. It’s been about 2 months and I’ve contacted the police twice about this violent, dangerous psycho to see if thwy found him/charged him and do you think the police did a damn thing about that guy? Nope. But sure,spend your time dealing with the oh so dangerous homeless people minding their own business. What a joke.

Big gust of wind. Problem solved all thats needed would bé shovel and a fire hose tockean it up

To all you bleeding heart people that think there’s nothing wrong with that tent being where it was, it’s called trespassing. That person doesn’t own the building where the tent was. How would any of you homeowners like it if you woke up one morning and some homeless person had set up a tent in your backyard. bet you wouldn’t say , “well they are homeless and need somewhere to live so I guess they can stay in my backyard”. Not likely, you would be on the phone to the police in an instant.

@dave 2 You are 100 percent correct sir

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