With every new event that starts in Fortnite, many new quests become available as well that players can complete and earn XP. As part of the Fortnite x Dragon Ball event, the Recovery Quest becomes available which is different from the usual quests in the game. So here is how to complete the Dragon Ball Recovery Quests in Fortnite.
The Dragon Ball Recovery Quest in Fortnite asks players to chill out a little bit and take a break from training and fighting. Most of the tasks in Recovery Quest are based on chilling or simply restoring health by eating in a tent.
The first objective of Recovery Quest is fairly easy. It asks players to regain 50 health while resting in a tent. You can complete this task by either obtaining a Tent from a section like Loot Landing or using the tents that are already set up. But remember that you must have lost some health to restore it.
The next task is to take a dip in the water at Sunburned Shack or Beach Bash. It is by far the simplest task you can encounter in Fortnite. The Sunburned Shacks is located on the easter side of the map while Beach Bash is on the western coast. So whichever is closest to you, go there and some for seconds, and the objective will be complete.
The third objective is to get Toasty by a campfire and regain 50 health. You can find campfires in most locations of Fortnite. When the campfire is lit, it will restore the health of nearby players. If you found an extinguished campfire, you can fire it up by chopping some trees in the game and use it to light up the camp. Same as the first task, you must have taken some damage to restore your health.
The next task is to go fishing at Leafy Reef, Mighty Monument, and Loot Landing. For completing this objective you have fish in each of these locations which aren’t close to each other. So it might take 2 or 3 matches to complete it. Each of these locations has many fishing spots you can use and relax.
Then comes the objective of restoring 200 health by eating fish or meat during or after a Versus Battle. You can access the Versus Battles by using the Versus Boards that were added as part of the Dragon Ball crossover. Once you and your opponent agreed on a Versus Battle, simply use fish or meat to restore your health. Fish is better because it heals more and also it is less risky to catch a fish compared to hunting down animals.
And the last task is to use a fishing rod to ride a Loot Shark. The best location to complete this task is Logjam Lotus where you can find some fishing rods near a small house as well. This task can be tricky due to the movements of Loot Shark. Once you’ve successfully latched on Loot Shark, ski for some time and the task will be completed.
Fortnite is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.
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