The latest Iowa fishing report is out and most area lake temperatures are in the 80s in northwest Iowa. This week’s forecast calls for continued temperatures in the 80s-90s.
Algae blooms have popped up on few area lakes making visibility much lower. Bass and panfishing has been great on most lakes out along weed lines in 10-15 feet of water. Most fish are moving out deeper as water temperatures increase. For current conditions, call the Spirit Lake District Office at 712-336-1840.
NORTHWEST Arrowhead Lake Water clarity is good. Surface water temperature is in the lower 80s. Black Crappie – Fair: Look for crappie near structure and contour in 5-15 feet of water. Use a jig tipped with a crawler or a small minnow on a jig drifted over deeper habitat. Bluegill – Fair: Look for bluegill in 5-15 feet of water near woody structure.
Black Hawk Lake Water levels are about 3 inches below the crest of the spillway. Surface water temperature is in the low 80s. Black Crappie – Fair: Fish are 8- to 11-inches. Most fish have moved to more off shore areas, but can still be picked up along Ice House Point and around the fish house and stone piers in Town Bay. Bluegill – Fair: Find bluegills along shore near Ice House Point and the rock pile by Gunshot Hill. Fish are 6- to 7-inches. Channel Catfish – Fair: Look for cats around the deeper rockpiles or try drifting in the evening and at night. Use cut bait, crawdads or dip bait. Catfish average 4 to 7 pounds.
Browns Lake Water levels remain low; use caution when launching boats.
Brushy Creek Lake Surface water temperature is in the upper 70s. Black Crappie – Fair: Find crappie near submerged woody structure in 5-20 feet of water. Use a small jig tipped with a crawler or small minnow. Largemouth Bass – Fair: Try plastics and traditional bass lures along submerged woody structure and weed lines near shore.
Crawford Creek Impoundment Largemouth Bass – Good: Catch largemouth bass along shore and weed lines with traditional bass baits.
Storm Lake (including Little Storm Lake) Surface water temperature is in the upper 70s. All walleye between 19 and 25-inches must be immediately released unharmed at Storm Lake; no more than one walleye longer than 25-inches can be taken per day. Black Crappie – Fair. Channel Catfish – Fair: Anglers are catching fish from shore. Storm Lake has a good population of 4-6 pound catfish. Try cut bait, liver or crawlers fished on the bottom along shore or minnows or crawlers fished under a bobber. Walleye – Fair: Boat anglers have had luck trolling crankbaits and drifting leeches and crawler harnesses in the edges of the dredge cuts. Others have had luck with a minnow under a slip bobber. Yellow Bass – Fair: Fish are 5- to 11-inches long. Use a small piece of crawler fished under a bobber. Yellow Perch – Fair: Try crawlers or small minnows fished under a bobber near rocky shorelines.
Surface water temperature is in the low 80s. For more information, contact the Black Hawk District office at 712-657-2638.
East Okoboji Lake Lake temperature is in the mid-80s. The water level is 4 inches over crest. Fish are moving deeper post-spawn. Trolling has been working very well. Find crappie and yellow bass in 10-16 feet of water. Try fishing weed lines where there is new vegetation growth. Black Crappie – Good: Best bite is in 10-15 feet of water along weed lines. Bluegill – Good. Walleye – Fair: Try spinners, crankbaits and long and shallow shad raps in the main basins. Best bite is an hour before and after sunset. Yellow Bass – Good.
Lost Island Lake Fishing/trolling is getting more difficult as aquatic vegetation reaches the surface in many places. Black Crappie – Fair. Walleye – Slow: Try trolling crankbaits or with lindy rigs off weed lines. Best bite is an hour before and after sunset. Yellow Perch – Fair.
Minnewashta Lake Bluegill and crappie fishing has been good; some sorting may be needed. Black Crappie – Good. Bluegill – Good.
Silver Lake (Dickinson) The late afternoon bite has been fair. Many anglers are targeting fish schools during the day. Vegetation growth is making fishing more difficult in many areas. Walleye – Fair: Try spinners, crankbaits and long and shallow shad raps.
Spirit Lake Water temperature is in the low 80s. The lake is at crest. The walleye season is open. Most species are out deeper in 15+ feet of water. Black Bullhead – Good: Try fishing the northern grade of Spirit Lake. Black Crappie – Fair: Use a tube jig and bobber. Bluegill – Fair. Walleye – Good: Use spinners, crankbaits and long and shallow shad raps; try to find weed lines. Yellow Perch – Fair: Many perch can be caught, you may need to sort for size.
West Okoboji Lake Water temperature is in the low 80s. The water level is 4 inches over crest. Most fish are out deeper in 15+ feet. Rocky points and areas with new vegetation growth have seen the most success. Black Crappie – Fair: Use crankbaits or shad raps. Bluegill – Good: Try small shad raps. Largemouth Bass – Fair. Smallmouth Bass – Fair: Try fishing off points with surface baits or jerk baits. Walleye – Fair: Try fishing off points by trolling crankbaits or with lindy rigs. Best bite is an hour before and after sunset. Some fish have been caught while trolling for crappie.
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