Sheriff's Blotter Aug. 31 to Sept. 4 - boat issues and fire starts - Plumas News

2022-09-09 20:30:01 By : Mr. Scott Hsu

Compiled by Mari Erin Roth

Information in the Sheriff’s Blotter is gathered from the dispatch logs provided by the Plumas County Sheriff’s Office. No individual’s names are reported. And those arrested should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

The following is a summary of activity for Aug. 31 to Sept. 4

I hear you knocking but you cannot come in

2:18 a.m. Portola. A caller reports a known female just rang his doorbell. He did not answer the door and does not know if she is still outside, but he does not want her on his property. 2:42 a.m. A deputy reports the subject was gone upon arrival.

5:48 a.m. Twain. Union Pacific Railroad reports a single vehicle rollover. The information was received by radio from the train crew. The vehicle is off the roadway, and unknown injuries occurred. The caller had no further information. 5:52 a.m. CHP advised they are aware, and it is a non-injury accident.

Chilly in the morning? Brrrrr 62 degrees

9:54 p.m. Portola. A caller reports a chimney fire. Smoke is coming into the home from under the fireplace. The caller was advised to safely exit the home until Fire arrives. Beckwourth Fire was paged. 10:26 p.m. Fire is clear and available.

Dumpster diving, shopping for bargains

10:19 a.m. Westwood. A caller reports about 10-12 cows on the road at Hwy 36 and Westwood Landfill Road.

1:26 p.m. Beckwourth. A caller reports a bear broke into his house sometime last night or this morning. The caller was provided the number for Fish and Wildlife.

Heavy load or final resting place

2:16 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports an oak tree across the road on Beskeen Lane just before the cemetery.

8:13 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports a bear in the highway. During the transfer to CHP, a vehicle struck the bear. 8:35 p.m. A Sgt. advised the bear is removed from the roadway.

Not the usual warning signs

8:14 p.m. Greenville. A caller can hear some sort of disturbance, slamming around and metal pipes hitting something. 8:40 p.m. A deputy requests Fire respond for a vegetation fire on Hideaway Road. Indian Valley Fire and Crescent Mills Fire were paged. The information was sent to USFS.

9:01 p.m. Quincy. A male subject was arrested on charges of possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of methamphetamine for sale, probation violation, driving on a suspended license, and receiving stolen property.

Shopping for trouble and found a sale

9:42 p.m. Portola. A caller reports a physical argument between customers. The subjects broke several items in the store and wrecked the store. The subjects are outside now, still in a physical fight. The two subjects are known. 10:57 p.m. The subjects were charged with vandalism, disturbing the peace and, assault and battery.

4:33 a.m. Quincy. A caller reports that her neighbor lets the dog out every morning at 4 a.m. and the dog barks until the neighbor leaves and puts the dog back in the house. The caller requests that Animal Control contact the owner to have the dog stop barking in the morning. The information was faxed to Animal Control.

9:03 a.m. Graeagle. A caller reports a known female has been sneaking around taking photos and videos of work at the Villas. 9:23 a.m. A deputy contacted the caller who requested the information on file. Civil procedures were provided.

9:43 a.m. Greenville. A caller reports vandalism to the public park the night before last including starting a fire in the bathroom. 11:31 a.m. The deputy advised suspicious circumstances only, no crime.

1:13 p.m. Portola. A caller reports an aggressive pitbull loose near the railroad tracks. The dog went after him and his dog. 2:43 p.m. The information was sent to Animal Control. 3:07 p.m. Animal Control was unable to locate the dog.

1:32 p.m. Quincy. A caller received info from a tenant of some type of disturbance involving a known male who was holding a kid down on the ground and a female was screaming at him. 1:36 p.m. A second caller advises an older male was holding down a child and the child was crying. No weapons. 1:43 p.m. The original caller advised it is not the male they thought it was but is possibly subjects in another described location. 1:52 p.m. A Sgt. advised unable to locate anyone in the suspected location.

4:03 p.m. Quincy. A caller requests a known male be trespassed from a store. He has been harassing some of the employees and has been following them home on occasion. 4:16 p.m. A deputy contacted the caller who requested the subject be trespassed if contacted. Hold for night shift. 6:20 p.m. During a probation check of the subject the subject was issued a probation violation. 8:05 p.m. A deputy advised the subject was trespassed.

9:33 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports loud music or a party at Gansner Park. 10 p.m. A deputy contacted a group who said they were having a BBQ. The group was advised of the park rules and agreed to move along.

3:17 a.m. Quincy. A caller reports that they located a deer on the property that was stuck in the fence. The deer is no longer stuck in the fence but is stuck on the property with fence wire stuck in the antlers. The call was transferred to Fish and Wildlife.

4:39 a.m. Quincy. A caller reports a vehicle vs. bear collision with no injuries but the driver may need a tow truck. The caller also said the bear may still be alive but went into the bushes.

2:39 p.m. Crescent Mills. A caller reports a phone line across the road at Marie Drive and Openshaw that almost took him out on his motorcycle. The call was transferred to CHP.

Knowing better isn’t the same as doing better

3:20 p.m. Portola. A caller is reporting a possible drunk driver in a small white sedan, possibly a Toyota, it looked like a racecar. The caller said someone was yelling at the driver they shouldn’t be driving, then the vehicle sped off and almost hit other vehicles and pedestrians. The call was transferred to CHP. 3:37 p.m. A deputy checked the area and was unable to locate the suspect vehicle.

4:16 p.m. Lake Almanor. A caller reports three subjects flipped in their kayak and lost all of their belongings including phones and keys to their vehicles. 4:49 p.m. A deputy advised the subjects were connected with the tow company. Assistance complete.

How to get rid of a nuisance – but remember to duck

10:03 p.m. Portola. A caller reports 4 kids in the area are causing a commotion. When the caller asked them what they were doing, one of them threw a rock at her. The subjects then ran off toward the school. A deputy advised contacting the caller who requested the information be on file.

Turn of the tables – seeing how the other half lives

10:13 a.m. Chester. A caller reports a known female is holding an event on their property without permission. 1:53 p.m. Per a deputy, a representative of the Maidu Summit Consortium reports trespassing on Maidu land that is closed to public use by a known female. The subject was intending to use the land for a healing ceremony to heal the land after the Dixie Fire. The subject believed public Maidu land should remain public. The Maidu Consortium wanted to bar public access to the land for liability due to trees damaged by the fire. In an attempt to avoid a First Amendment issue, the deputy used his GPS to locate as close to the USFS/Maidu property lines as possible and informed the subject and her group they could practice on USFS land which they had a permit for but not on the closed Maidu land. The subject and her group were very upset with the caller and called her several derogatory names but agreed to move locations. A general trespass order was issued to the subject and her goup at the request of the caller. A copy of the Maidu Consortium letter was provided to the deputy and faxed to dispatch.

2:45 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports a fire near a shed on Bell Lane about to involve the structure. Quincy Fire and PDH were paged. 2:50 p.m. The caller advised Fire may have extinguished some type of electrical fire. 3:08 p.m. The fire has been extinguished. USFS is on the scene and will handle mop up. The information was sent to Rural Electric to respond due to electrical wires starting the fire.

Stuck in the middle with you

4:18 p.m. Portola. A caller reports the mast of his sailboat is stuck in the sand and they are stranded on the west side of the island on Lake Davis. They are requesting assistance. Two subjects are stranded and sitting on top of it. Search and Rescue paged. 4:39 p.m. USFS unit heard the page and is on the way to the scene also. 5:18 p.m. USFS advised they have a deputy in the area and Boat Patrol are on their way. 5:37 p.m. The subjects were retrieved, and they are okay. The vessel is righted and in tow. 5:50 p.m. The subjects were returned to the shore.

5:20 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports a BBQ flaming. Quincy Fire was paged. 5:24 p.m. The caller called back, the fire is out and believes it was caused by too much grease in the BBQ. Quincy Fire was advised and all units are returning.

The man behind the church

7:43 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports a man behind the Catholic Church with brown hair in his 20-30s with a large backpack who is messing around with the sensor lights to the rear of the building and the C.A.N. garage. 8:05 p.m. Per a unit they were unable to locate the prowler and will have Quincy deputies do a patrol check during the night. 8:11 p.m. The caller called again and said the deputy missed the subject who is still in the back and is now shining a light in her room. 8:38 p.m. A male subject was arrested on charges of possession of drug paraphernalia, under the influence of drugs and, possession of drugs.

8:47 p.m. Cromberg. A caller caught a vendor stealing a purse. The suspect is detained, and the caller is holding her at the main ranch house. 9:43 p.m. The female subject was arrested on charges of grand theft (over $950) and possession of medication without a prescription.

My way or the highway

6:56 a.m. Chester. A caller requests to speak to a deputy about a civil issue with not being allowed to stay at a property. The caller said the owner locked him out. The subject is the caller’s grandmother. 7:21 a.m. The caller reports his grandmother is now throwing all of his things out of the residence and he wants a deputy to come to the location. 8:08 a.m. The caller advises the deputy on the scene is not willing to help him in any way. He wants a Sgt. to contact the deputy to assist in this matter. The information was given to the Sgt. in dispatch. 8:15 a.m. The deputy reports no crime, no criminal intent, and civil procedures were given regarding the kick out.

Snip it in the bud

11:01 a.m. Taylorsville. A caller reports that there are cats at a vacant home next door and now the property owner has started to feed them on his property. The caller wants Animal Control to contact the subject owner. The subject residence location was provided. The caller wants the subject trespassed off his property as well. 11:44 a.m. A deputy contacted the caller via phone. The caller said the neighbor is deceased and left several cats on the property. The caller said it is unknown if the subject is putting cat food out; it is possibly another known person in the area. The deputy requests Animal Control to follow up to confirm the cat welfare and to speak to the suspect person.

11:47 a.m. Chester. A caller reports a disabled boat due to hitting a rock. The boat is taking on water near Rec #2. There are 6 occupants in a blue and yellow boat with no injuries. Noon: The boat is on the dock. 12:23 p.m. Fire/Medical are requested as a precaution for a pregnant female that was aboard the vessel at the time of impact.

12:12 p.m. Susanville. A caller said, “I am being arrested and it really hurts” and then hung up. There is no prior contact with the number. 12:17 p.m. Contacted Lassen Sheriff’s Office to see if they have had contact with the phone number. Dispatch advised the female is 5150 and makes harassing phone calls to the department. Lassen County said she has already called 6 times this morning.

It is really hot out there

12:50 p.m. Chester. A caller requested medical for an elderly female who fainted in the parking lot of Holiday Market.

1:09 p.m. La Porte. A caller reports a motorcycle accident on a dirt trail by the Mooreville warming hut. The caller is trying to get cell service. The victim has a dislocated hip. The caller is unable to provide location or coordinates. The caller said it is 2-3 miles past Devil’s Gap in an unknown direction. 1:22 p.m. Grass Valley air ambulance is on the way and Fire is on the scene.

Two are better than one

2:59 p.m. Chester. A caller reports her daughter is missing on a jet ski, has been gone about 30 minutes. She is alone and went missing near Lake Almanor Golf Course. She is a 12-year-old female in a black bikini and black life jacket. The jet ski is black and orange. The caller said she is currently at the Knotty Pines getting gas. 3:04 p.m. The caller said the juvenile has been found.

4:33 p.m. Chilcoot. Information was sent to a deputy about a belligerent male subject at Frenchman boat ramp. 5:20 p.m. The male subject was arrested on charges of driving intoxicated and driving with an alcohol blood alcohol level exceeding .08 percent.

4:44 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports a neighbor to the west is burning a pile of leaves. The subject on Pioneer Road is unknown. Quincy Fire was paged. 4:54 p.m. An illegal burn pile was located. The homeowners were counseled and are putting the fire out.

5:50 p.m. Lake Almanor. A caller reports a boat accident. A boat is stuck in shallow water. There are no injuries of the two occupants. The boat is red, white, and blue. 6:26 p.m. Boat Patrol requests SIFC to respond to the north island and Boat Patrol is also stuck in the shallow water. Any response needs to be from a jet boat due to the shallow conditions. 6:27 p.m. SIFC will page out for a jet boat. 7:49 p.m. Advised unable to get a private boat out of the area. SIFC is transporting two to Almanor West Launch Ramp.

6:35 p.m. Indian Falls. A female was arrested at Dog Rock on charges of possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, and probation violation.

7 p.m. Prattville. A caller reports fire on the lakeshore at Butt Lake on the opposite side from Ponderosa Campground, on the west side of the lake. There are two silver trucks and a tent. The caller has a boat to help with access to where the fire is. SIFC and USFS were given the location. 7:10 p.m. Additional reports came for the same incident from Rocky Point Campground. 8:10 p.m. The caller recontacted to advise the fire is growing and more vehicles and ATVs are on the scene at a party. The caller was transferred to USFS. 8:42 p.m. The caller recontacted to report the fire restarted after USFS units left. The call was transferred to USFS. 8:47 p.m. USFS requests a deputy response to accompany an engine. There is no CHP in the area. 8:55 p.m. USFS has a law enforcement officer on the way to the area. 11:53 p.m. Assistance complete.

11:09 p.m. Belden. A caller reports someone is stuck on the other side of the highway near the river, approximately 4 miles west of Belden near Indian Jim Campground. The caller said people were tubing and now one person is stuck and has an injured leg. It is unknown what the female is wearing. The caller will standby at the roadwork closure to give a better location to find the injured female. The info was sent to CHP. PDH was paged to stage at Belden for a leg injury. 11:36 p.m. A Search and Rescue was reported at Indian Jim Campground. The female with a possible leg injury is on the railroad side of the Feather River. The victim has gotten across the river and no longer needs assistance.

Compiled by Mari Erin Roth Staff Writer [email protected]   Information in the Sheriff’s Blotter is gathered from the dispatch logs…

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