The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet at the Ocean Shores Convention Center in a hybrid meeting Sept. 22-24.
This meeting will cover a number of topics, including discussions on coastal steelhead, Willapa Bay salmon management, and periodic status reviews of the brown pelican, western snowy plover, white pelican, and Cascade red fox, among other items.
The Commission’s work begins at 8 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 22 with meetings of its Habitat, Big Tent, Fish, and Wildlife committees, where topics include visitor use of state lands, an update on the conservation policy, spring bear hunting policy planning, and discussion on several fish and wildlife conservation topics.
The full Commission then meets starting at 8 a.m. Friday, Sept. 23, when commissioners will receive a briefing and hold a public hearing on a proposal to open a previously closed section of the upper Chelan River — from the Chelan Public Utilities District powerhouse up to the Lake Chelan Dam – to catch-and-release fishing.
The Commission will hear a briefing and public comment on the periodic status review for the brown pelican. In addition, the Commission will hear briefings and recommendations to maintain endangered status for western snowy plover, down-list the white pelican from threatened to sensitive, and list the Cascade red fox as threatened. The Commission will hear public comment after each presentation.
Later Friday, Commission members will get a briefing and take public comment on the pre-season planning process for the 2022-2023 coastal steelhead season.
More information is available at the coastal steelhead management webpage.
On Saturday, commissioners will hear from staff and take public comment on proposed changes to the Willapa Bay salmon management policy, and discuss the future process and schedule for completing the policy. The Commission is currently considering possible alternatives for adoption, and seeking public input on continued policy development. Materials for that topic are available at the meeting agenda page .
This meeting will be held in-person at the Ocean Shores Convention Center located at 120 W Chance a La Mer NW in Ocean Shores, with an option to also attend virtually; see the meeting page for how to tune in online. This is the second Commission meeting being held in this hybrid format, and the public should be aware that technical challenges may occur as this new technology is tested.
All members of the public are invited to share their perspective and participate in WDFW public feedback opportunities regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, language proficiency, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, veteran status, or basis of disability.
Members of the public interested in providing verbal public comment can pre-register on WDFW’s website .
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